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eez (Chorus) kinda weird progression
16 hours ago on Ich Komme by Erika Vikman
now21234567890 (Intro) Pinkerton version, not rivers' "alone" album
Yesterday on Long Time Sunshine by Weezer
Sum7Nites (Bridge) Feels a little off
Yesterday on In Chains by Depeche Mode
Lebaliss1 (Chorus) Having some trouble identifying the chord on bar 15. Please fix it if it is wrong!
Yesterday on Loser by Neoni
Valentyne (Chorus) At least this ISN'T a rickroll like @BabaLand or @HubGroup made.
2 days ago on 2AM ft Bad Gyal by Sebastian Yatra
Valentyne (Chorus) A bittersweet melody but with an upbeat rhythm to start the year.
2 days ago on Itamambuca (Feat Luisa Sonza) by Paulo Londra
flynnsze (Instrumental) Post-chorus instrumental
3 days ago on Mee by Eefje de Visser
frtzkng (Bridge) Song is heavily inspired by the Mission:Impossible theme; this bridge also features the 5/4 time the original is in
3 days ago on Take A Look Around by Limp Bizkit
frtzkng (Intro) Added intro riff
3 days ago on It'll Be OK by Limp Bizkit
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